This month I have been super busy, busy enough to totally disregard my 5 month post. This is partial business and partial not wanting to jinx myself. My last Ortho appointment at the beginning of the month involved scheduling my braces removal (as long as my bite is stable without the rubber bands). I have been without rubber bands and since nothing has changed I think it is safe to say I am almost done. I have scheduled removal for Jan 4th!!
Oh the joys of having a stubborn face. I seem to be getting more sensation on the inside gum line of my lower teeth, but the outside of my chin is still hyper. If anything it is doing gradual restoration, not enough to notice a great difference. Touching the base of my chin is way less sharp / uncomfortable. Washing my chin / face is still strange and calls for a light touch. I still have phantom sensation and can not tell if there is food on my face.
I can now tell when I have food in my teeth more easily. Getting food out of my gum line is now super sensitive (which makes me afraid for the braces removal). Also rice, rice gets stuck at the base of my gums, when i try to push it out with a finger I feel the scars, its odd.
I do still get odd sensations in my top jaw and right sinus. I can feel the screw in the right side, I get an occasional pressure there. If I blow my nose i get a weird vibration in one of the upper teeth closest to the metal plate / screw. I'm told it will gradually go away.
I will get to see a new head scan after the braces come off. Hopefully its all growing back the correct way.
I have been back to it. Now on more of a full time schedule. I can work 8hr days for now, I'm trying to make myself stop working between 8-10hrs, trying not to work too much on weekends. Easing into it and trying to make my work habits a little more agreeable for future projects. Too often before surgery I would work every day up to 20hrs at a time. Nope…nope… reset.
Flying is no longer bothering me! I do still have to bring my portable water pik and sometimes my wedge pillow but it is all getting easier :)
I am still having issue with crunchy food. I am not much closer to eating a sub sandwich or a crunchy taco. Some teeth are just numb or sensitive (mostly the front top and bottom). My palette behind my front teeth is still mostly numb just behind the teeth and the extra sensitive toward the middle, so rough or sharp food (pretzels, bread, ect..) feels very strange.
I am trying to progress more with moving my jaw around, when the K9s touch it is quite startling. Eating with my mouth closed is still a challenge. I have to eat slowly and deliberately.
Christmas dinner will be the ultimate test… or maybe post xmas left overs will be the test. If I can make a tiny turkey sandwich I will be very excited!