Thursday, July 16, 2015

Post Op: The first week

I have made it one week! My face is still super swollen and puffy in awkward places. I still can not emote.
I actually am happy?
I went to the surgeon for my 1st check-up. Dr. Olsson was surprised by how much feeling has come back. He said "I split your face in half, you shouldnt have feeling yet"! They removed the bands, it was painful…because I have had a rapid reassembly of my nerves. I was asked to open my mouth and close it a number of times…that actually didnt hurt at all. I am worried that if I continue getting feeling back at a quick rate I will have a very hard time when they remove the splint from the roof of my mouth.

Here is what I look like now…under the skin (jarrett said I look like im mostly made of bike chains):

They replaced some of the bands, much lighter so now my jaw can move around a bit….which they dont want actually happening, haha. So now I have fear spasms in my jaw. They release the jaw a bit so that it has a chance to relax after being bound tight for a week. I just have to retrain my muscles and start getting my lips to move. I was also given enough wax to make a candle…

 Anyway, everything is looking to be in a good place, my teeth do not look like they will have any root damage. I expressed the sadness at not being able to blow my nose and I was gifted a very expensive antibiotic. My right sinuses are swollen and I am at risk of getting a sinus infection which could turn worse / prevent the bone from filling back in. Another disgusting flavor med…It also made me super nauseous. So the latter part of the day was less pleasant but Im on an upswing.

After an outing to Wholefoods to get more liquid food supplies (two more weeks before operation: chew) I knocked out. Just too much partying for one day.

I also got a new delivery from my friends Andrew and Jaime!

hmmm…very mysterious given they live in Texas

Another highlight, my favorite food today is Maple yogurt by Wallaby…liquid pancakes! Okay, time to cuddle up with the littlest nurse and take a nap.

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