Sunday, July 12, 2015

Day 3: Boogers are a girls best friend

Slept like crap last night. with this type of surgery you have to watch the pressure you put on your face. This means you can not blow your nose, no matter what. And since I dont want my head to explode Im okay with it. Just makes it very hard to not feel like you are drowning in your own face gunk.

Flying nun headdress 

I apparently am very good at communication. I do not need to write too much out. I can start my career in ventriloquism after all this. Unfortunately the more stuffed up the less you feel like saying.
I keep getting phantom face symptoms. Extreme fits of tingling and itching… an itch that isnt actually there.

Wrists still hurt like hell. I bruise rather easy but this is ridiculous, front and back, both sides. Blue, purple, yellow, oh my. Been eating more, sitting up more so I can breathe. Made the greatest mistake to clean my nose with cotton swabs and i unearthed unspeakable horrors. Cleared it all up for a few hours… my first hot shower was amazing. Its funny how day to day activities can be like unsurmountable tasks that you conquer then become very proud of your self.

More presents have arrived. You make me feel very loved. :)
Even the littlest nurse has come back to her shifts
The cat approaches…


  1. You are looking WAY better than I thought you would look!! At least on the outside - I know you are all stitches & glue on the inside right now... Keep on healing like a champ, you badass ❤️

    1. Thank you! Its apparently surprising i havent blown up yet.
