Friday, July 17, 2015

Day 8: The Scare

I woke up at 7am and noticed my two front teeth had started to part ways. Then I looked into a magnified mirror and saw the wire on my braces was severed and I had a chip on my front tooth. Yesterday my teeth were banded tight, with cris-crossing layers of bands. My surgical team told me to watch for changes. I freaked out. I called the surgeon, who wasnt in until 8. Then I called my orthodontist, who provided with his cell number.

The surgeons office called back and we rushed over. Turns out they severed the braces to split my palette and didnt mention it…the chip probably happened then. So, false alarm but I was able to get 2 extra loose bands put back on the front. My jaw kept rocking all night because it was pretty free to roam. So this is a little added stepping stone and I will see the surgeon again in a week.

After my mental melt-down I needed to try to walk around outside. I need to keep extending my time doing normal life type activities. My mom and I walked to Rotofugi and got to see Kirby, Whitney and Ed. Being kind of puffy its interesting to see how long it takes for people to notice me… Right now its a double take.
I was gifted a BMO

I was only good for a little bit and and had to get back home before I melted. Binge watched True Detective and got in a long nap (going outside is hard). I also got some surprise visitors, my first at the house since surgery…

Just look at this adorable little family! My OhNo!Doom Brother, Andrew, Jaime and Billy the kid. They came in from Texas (the flowers the day before didnt lie). Got to exercise the laughing muscles and moving my lips when I mumble.

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