Friday, July 24, 2015

Day 15: Up & Down

Today was a bit harder… I was exhausted all day for no real reason. All food options were not satisfying and I just wanted to bury my head in a pile of pillows.

Last night I did have a crazy adventure puzzle dream (a normal thing for me), I had not had any dreams since surgery. I was probably too busy waking up hungry or in pain to get into deeper sleep. Woke up a little confused and groggy.

Afterwards, I started getting random bouts of tooth pain on my lower left side. That side is the one that has some splintering of the bone. Had to reintroduce Advil into the mix as the pressure took pain into the 5 of 10 range. The tingling is sometimes beyond annoying and teetering on pain. I have had to use ice packs again to calm it all down. Still no feeling (other than the burn tingling) in the lower lip and chin.

Speaking of annoying, I feel like there has been a hair stuck to the back of my tongue / throat. No matter how much water I drink, how much I try to clear my throat, it remains. I am not sure if I am just feeling the stitches that are dissolving or what. I am trying to ignore it since I cant open my mouth to investigate. I do get to brush my teeth with toothpaste now so Ive been brushing and waterpik-in multiple times a day.

Swelling continues to go down, just a bit under my nose and around my jaw line / cheeks remain. I will eventually have a jawline

I spent most of the day in my nest in front of the TV. Did spend some time playing Zelda on the 3DS but had trouble focusing. Also, daytime television is terrible… I did find Skin Wars (body painting competition sow) on hulu and started the binge watching. I needed something that required VERY little brain power…and that show requires none.

Tanuki and I felt the same today
After Jarrett got home we walked to the store so I could get more Liquid Advil (in a disgusting flavor) and I picked up a chai latte. That made everything just a tad better. I also got another wave of well-timed gifting…If I could smile I would.

I will obey the box

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