Saturday, July 25, 2015

Day 16: The Feels

My face is a fighter. The nerves are punching their way around my face, demanding to be felt. It's awful. Everything "comes to life" when I move around, go for a walk and right before bed. Here is a graph of the feels…blue is what is still fairly void when touched, green is what faint and is threatening to return next (there is overlap):

At the start I had very little feeling anywhere below the sinuses, so this is a rapid return. What sucks is the area that has complete feeling that is still swollen. This is just a graph for my skin. I am not sure how much feeling exists inside my mouth. My teeth will suddenly regain feeling and feel like a cavity and then go back to normal. Im hoping things in there stay quiet until AFTER I get the splint thats wired through my gums removed.

Tiny tooth care
Brushing teeth is still a delicate operation. Baby toothbrush, Toms toothpaste, waterpik set to low (stun), and medicated mouthwash…as often as tolerated.

I havent attempted make-up yet as I dont really want to add anything else to my face. My skin has been super oily. I read on other surgery blogs that this is a common thing that eventually settles down but it is annoying. Since I can not scrub my face I have picked up some wipes to help not look like a disgusting ogre.

Recommended for gross post-surgery skin
(The sensitive skin option for  right after surgery)
I have been trying to drink from a cup a few times a day. I am surprisingly not as messy as I thought i would be. My lower lip just hangs out so I dont know if I dribble until the cold water goes right down my shirt. I have added some Italian soda to the mix, just to get a different carbonated texture (you cant drink it thru the tube as it only sucks up air and bubbles).

This morning I woke up with a headache and was so glad I had bought a light-weight eye mask. When I woke up again I had visitors, my Father-in-law and Mother-in-law(to the 2nd power). They brought me vanilla ice cream and bananas, and a quiche to blend up. Then got a care package from Cafe Grumpy and a Pegacorn from Tony & Nonie!
I love Cafe Grumpy!  Awesome coffee, amazing people.

Pegacorns that had jaw surgery
After that Jarrett and I took a trip to Home Depot to get some flowering plants. Did some light gardening…i love gardening. It was hot out so I could only be outside for a short time. The rest of the day was dedicated to Ghostbusters I & II.

Now to figure out what to have for dinner. hmmmm probably soup… and probably chicken noodle…
Six degrees of Souperation

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