Monday, July 27, 2015

Day 17 & 18: Face/Off

Yesterday I got my first extended visitation. My good friends Max, Melissa & Doug came over to see / torture me for a few hours. The torture comes from the subjecting me to Nick Cage (whom I am not a fan) but I knew when I signed up for this surgery this was bound to happen.

Pre-surgery encouragement text "lovingly"
 sent from the "darling" Andrew Bell
The prerequisite for allowing this much cage into my home was the ability to drink. I was cleared last week to drink after antibiotics were finished. This was my first attempt to have a beer. With such low caloric intake I only needed the one and it wasnt even very enjoyable…oddly enough.

Melissa and Max proudly bring the torment
Doug sneers at the afternoon's "entertainment"
This movie is terrible… I knew this before but it was more than I remembered. The problem with watching this kind of movie when you cant really smile is the hysteric laughter pulling your face, off.
I had to put ice on my face because the laughing at the ridiculousness was pulling at my stitches. Laughter may not always be the best medicine when you have your face reassembled.

…thanks guys…
Thankfully they also decided to bring over their Wii U. Played some smash bros before my eyes could no longer follow the madness on the screen. Then ended the night with a few rounds of mario cart. Needless to say I fell asleep super quickly and am still worn out today.

The left side of my face is a little more swollen today but I have slightly more mobility. The only thing that is odd today is how hard it is to sit with my lips closed. It feels like I really have to strain to keep them together. I can only imagine it has to do with swelling and my muscles still trying to find their way around.

I am attempting to stretch my neck and move my head around more so that I may regain full range of motion. Since I am a little more home bound today I will take this opportunity to play some video games, the new batman for xbox to be specific.

Since I can still not focus long enough to sit and read, video games are helping me with the hand eye coordination focus. Slowly becoming more myself.

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